Creativity and Novelty
Novelty is considered as an essential factor of being creative; It is the quality of offering a new and unusual experience through conception. As I have mentioned in the previous post, It is said that there are no new ideas. They are simply ideas derived from existing concepts. Therefore, one might question the genuineness of the term, Novelty. The answer itself lies within us. When we are referring to something new, it is necessary for us to understand for whom precisely it is new. Even though a particular idea is quite common to a group of people, it can be completely new and fresh to another. Hence, Novelty is obtained in the subjective perceptions of individuals.
This can be further explained using a simple yet complicated process we come across in our lives. Every young person at some point go through an emotional roller coaster when they hit puberty. It is a completely new and unusual experience for them, but for the human race at large it is a biological or physiological process that every adult went through, and it has been like that since the beginning of man kind.

“Invention is the first occurrence
of an idea for a new product or process, while innovation
is the first attempt to carry it out into practice”
Fagerberg J. (2004). “Innovation: A Guide to the Literature”
Invention and Innovation
There is a thin line between invention and innovation, given the fact that both are inter-related with the formation of concepts in reality. Invention can be perceived as a transformation of creative thoughts in to tangible ideas, where as innovation is the practical application of inventions, changed in a way that gives certain products or processes marketable values. Even a great invention has a higher probability of failure if it lacked practicability. Therefore, innovators often come up with ways to distribute the invention among the people in another form, which is affordable, flexible and improved in terms of quality.
iPod can be considered as an instructive example for a great innovation, which became widely popular among every age group due to its multi-functional features employed within.