Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ideation and Final Composition

Flexible Imagination

Final Compositions

Mind Maps

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Juxtaposition - Exercises

Exercise 1: Juxtaposing two random words and make a new creation out of it.


The Bride threw the Flower Bouquet over the Groom's head to the audience behind.

Flower Head - The most lovable being you can ever find. 

89 - OIL / RAIN

Colorful patterns were made by oil on rippling rain water puddles.

Oil Rain - Mankind's last hope if no alternative was found for oil.


A dog is climbing the mountain.

Dog Mountain - A mountain that looks like a dog.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Metaphors, Similes, and Oxymoron

Metaphors are comparisons that show how two things bare one specific characteristic when both appear dissimilar to each other in many other ways. Metaphors are widely used in various literature content to describe something more creatively, and to offer the reader with a quest to think about the hidden meaning behind such application. Unlike similes, this figure of speech state that something is something else. 

The comparison of two unlike things using 'like' or 'as'. Similes are approximations, where as metaphors are equations. Hence, one element of a simile can never be substituted by the other. Both have almost similar characteristics, but not exactly the same.

A figure of speech in which two contradictory terms are combined to make effective phrases within various content. Understanding of certain oxymoron requires a knowledge of verbal or regional interpretations. 

Ex: Pretty Ugly - The word 'Pretty' basically means beautiful. It is also being used in context to indicate a fairly large amount. Therefore, these contradictory terms when combined together implies a state of being  extremely ugly.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Juxtaposition: Intro.

The term, juxtaposition is referred to the placement of two figures of any kind side by side or close together, which is often presented in a way that induces the viewer to make a comparison - to figure out the similarities or variances.

A perception of a juxtaposition may differ from one person to another in different cultural and educational backgrounds. When two contrasted yet somehow correlated items appear together, human observational methods are naturally functioned to reconsider the ideology behind the subject of interest in the items. The understanding can often be irrational as that is what the viewer is expected to acquire. Thus, it is intended to stimulate creativity.

Application of juxtaposition can be seen in forms like, music, film, literature, paintings, photography, etc. Abrupt changes of rhythm and elements are used to achieve juxtaposition in music. Academy award winning original score for the animated feature film, 'UP' is a great example for an application of juxtaposition in music. It portrays several emotions and feelings one after another by merely changing the rhythm.

     The New Vision         
photographer: Tanjica Perovic           

The two elements overlaid in this photograph, in which a 19th century building reflected in the windows of a modern office, vividly shows a contrast based on the time. 

Example: Merlin TV Series (BBC)

Magic/Human: In this adaption of Arthurian Legend, People with magical gifts disguise themselves among the normal civilians as magic is completely prohibited within the borders of the Camelot. Merlin is among those who are gifted, and he lives in disguise to fulfill his destiny as the guardian of Prince Arthur.

Guardian/Servant: Even though Merlin appears to be just another servant for Aurthur, he was not aware of the sacrifice done by Merlin himself as a secret guardian to save Arthur's life in many occasions.

Warrior/Weakling: in comparison to Arthur's skills in combat, Merlin appears as a weakling in the battlefield. The hidden truth is, Merlin hides his true self in Arthur's presence for greater good, and therefore cannot be considered as a weakling, but a true warrior in his own strength.

Unfeeling/Sympathetic: Arthur's father, King Uther, is happened to be a man of his word. He would not change his judgment even if it leads to an execution of a young boy. In the episode, in which the druid boy, Mordred, appears for the first time, Arthur followed his father's orders without any hesitation, but later on his feelings were overcame with a desire to help the druid boy. He proved that he can be a better king than his father has ever been.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Mortar n Pestle


Pestle can be used as a tool to paint on a canvas. Its wooden surface texture will be able to make unique patterns.


Used as a less-messy way to trap mice.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

360º VIEW

The above shown mind map on myself is constructed using an evaluation method as described in Your Weekly Tutor: 360º View 

It is based on my observations and experience on how people tend to perceive me even though those perceptions are neither right nor wrong. I find this approach quite unique, and serves as a good guide to have a development plan for myself.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Creativity and Novelty | Invention and Innovation

Creativity and Novelty

Novelty is considered as an essential factor of being creative; It is  the quality of offering a new and unusual experience through conception. As I have mentioned in the previous post, It is said that there are no new ideas. They are simply ideas derived from existing concepts. Therefore, one might question the genuineness of the term, Novelty. The answer itself lies within us. When we are referring to something new, it is necessary for us to understand for whom precisely it is new. Even though a particular idea is quite common to a group of people, it can be completely new and fresh to another. Hence, Novelty is obtained in the subjective perceptions of individuals. 

This can be further explained using a simple yet complicated process we come across in our lives. Every young person at some point go through an emotional roller coaster when they hit puberty. It is a completely new and unusual experience for them, but for the human race at large it is a biological or physiological process that every adult went through, and it has been like that since the beginning of man kind.

“Invention is the first occurrence
of an idea for a new product or process, while innovation
is the first attempt to carry it out into practice”

Fagerberg J. (2004). “Innovation: A Guide to the Literature”

Invention and Innovation
There is a thin line between invention and innovation, given the fact that both are inter-related with the formation of concepts in reality. Invention can be perceived as a transformation of creative thoughts in to tangible ideas, where as innovation is the practical application of inventions, changed in a way that gives certain products or processes marketable values. Even a great invention has a higher probability of failure if it lacked practicability. Therefore, innovators often come up with ways to distribute the invention among the people in another form, which is affordable, flexible and improved in terms of quality.

iPod can be considered as an instructive example for a great innovation, which became widely popular among every age group due to its multi-functional features employed within.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Outside The Box...

To cope with everyday life people tend to find the need for thinking creatively. It's a process that enables us to turn new imaginative ideas into reality in order to solve problems, produce works of art and unveil endless paths to a new life. The phenomena of creativity can be defined in many ways given the fact that different people perceive it in different ways. Regardless of the various definitions that were given, the core concept mainly lies on the natural instinctual desire that generates within human beings. Therefore, one could not possibly say he/she is not creative, when creativity is something more like a calm water surface, which you might want to stir a bit to see the glamorous shimmering patterns caused by the reflection.

One's creativity is enhanced only when it is used regularly. The more you tend to use it the more you train your self to look at things in different perspectives. The things we see around us are results of creative thinking that was, in most cases, initiated by combining old concepts and observations. Hence, our creativity is based on what already being created or at least thought of creating in the future.

Thinking inside a specific frame deprives you of endless streaks of thoughts, as you restrict your thinking into some extent. That explains why children have a great tendency of showing a wide range of thoughts and imaginations through their creative expressions, which happen to be simply amusing. In the creative thinking process it is advisable to avoid following a certain criteria or guidelines, in order to discover the portal to a higher realm of conception.

"Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprung up."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes